

Message from the Chairman

We face unprecedented challenges in our aging and declining birthrate society, alongside frequent medical errors and drug-related issues. The essence of how advanced modern medicine can contribute to healthcare is being scrutinized.

However, medicine is always an act performed by people for people, and there is no single answer to treatment.

The expression and outcome vary depending on the practitioner.

The essence of medicine is not about materialistic approaches but about the commitment to doing one's best. This, I believe, represents the true nature of healthcare.

The key question is how to maintain a high sense of purpose.

We strive to be as close to the community as possible and continue to work towards finding solutions in healthcare.

We believe that providing a platform where each individual can demonstrate their abilities as a medical professional, and where knowledge and experience merge with human compassion, represents the comprehensive art of medicine. This is what we aim to practice.

President of Shunyokai, Haruto Uezono