Staff Satisfaction Improvement Activities

Since 2018, Shunyo-kai Central Hospital has been conducting staff satisfaction surveys. To realize our philosophy that "we view the workplace as a place where we share happiness in each other’s lives and aim to be an organization of collaboration and cooperation," we are working on creating a better organization based on staff feedback. A team composed of staff from each department leads these activities. In 2023, we updated the survey to a new format and continue to conduct it annually.
The survey results are reported to the hospital director for review. Additionally, in 2024, we plan to expand our efforts by not only conducting surveys but also by holding "Wigaya" meetings where key staff from each department gather to identify challenges towards achieving our philosophy. This will help us further our commitment to creating a better organization and ensuring staff happiness.
【Summary of 2023 Survey Results】
Response Rate
Department NameResponse RateDepartment NameResponse Rate
General Ward83%Rehabilitation (Long-Term Care)60%
disability ward83%Nurse (Long-Term Care)70%
Outpatient Clinic100%Caregiver (Long-Term Care)83%
Regional Coordination Office100%Outpatient Rehabilitation63%
Central Sterilization Supply Department56%Consultation Support and Care Management71%
Rehabilitation Room80%Support Center86%
Medical Affairs Department100%Dementia-Care Group Living Support100%
Pharmacy Department0%Maintenance and Facilities Management0%
Laboratory100%Childcare Center0%
Nutrition Department57%Home Health Nursing100%
General Affairs and Administration75%Radiology Room100%
1. The organization's evaluation system is fair.

2. Salaries and bonuses are at a level that is satisfactory based on the quality, quantity, and performance of work.

3. Systematic training for different levels, such as new hires and management, is conducted, and skills are being developed.
4. The organization's management policies are well understood.

5. Management policies, plans, and necessary information are communicated in a timely manner.
6. I take pride in the organization's philosophy and the medical and caregiving services we provide.
7. We respect each other's autonomy and can engage in positive and constructive discussions.

8. There is a culture of expressing gratitude, recognizing, and complimenting each other.

9. I feel that people are valued and that I am valued.
10. Department managers share objectives and goals with their members.

11. Department managers are able to take timely measures for problem-solving.

12. Communication between department managers and members is good.
13. All members recognize their roles, have a sense of responsibility, and act independently.

14. Necessary information for work is shared appropriately.

15. Not only fulfilling my own role but also helping and complementing each other with other members.
19. I am recognized by my supervisors and colleagues and am entrusted with responsibilities.

20. I am able to experience growth, a sense of achievement, and satisfaction through my work.

21. I feel that my work contributes to society and the clients.
19. I am recognized by my supervisors and colleagues and am entrusted with responsibilities.

20. I am able to experience growth, a sense of achievement, and satisfaction through my work.

21. I feel that my work contributes to society and the clients.
22. Employment regulations, harassment prevention measures, etc., are being followed.

23. I believe that improvements and maintenance of the working environment, such as welfare benefits, are being addressed.
24. Overtime is within a manageable range for me.

25. I have enough time to allocate to patient or client care, or my primary duties.

26. It is easy to take appropriate paid leave and extended vacations.
【1:かなり不満がある 2:不満がある 3:どちらともいえない 4:満足している 5:大変満足している】
【1:全く思わない 2:思わない 3:どちらともいえない 4:やや思う 5:思う】

(Fullendoscopic spine surgery)
Complete Endoscopic Spine Surgery

This is the most minimally invasive endoscopic surgery performed using an 8mm endoscope. By flushing water through the camera to the surgical site, a clear view is obtained and effective hemostasis can be achieved. The primary conditions treated with this method include lumbar disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, and cervical spondylotic radiculopathy.

(Fullendoscopic spine surgery)
Complete Endoscopic Spine Surgery

This is the most minimally invasive endoscopic surgery performed using an 8mm endoscope. By flushing water through the camera to the surgical site, a clear view is obtained and effective hemostasis can be achieved. The primary conditions treated with this method include lumbar disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, and cervical spondylotic radiculopathy.
【Examples of Improvements from Employee Satisfaction Surveys】
  • Revamping the Personnel Evaluation System
    In response to requests for a system that better recognizes and rewards hard work, a new personnel evaluation system was established starting from the fiscal year 2021.
  • Improving Overtime and Work-Life Balance
    Due to the habitual nature of overtime and extracurricular activities, we have implemented measures to manage overtime hours quantitatively and review customary extracurricular activities.
  • We want to increase the time spent on patient and client care.
    To enhance the time dedicated to patient and user care, we have improved our approach by assigning ward clerks to each ward. This allows physicians and nurses to receive support, thereby increasing the time available for direct care.
  • Enhancing Our Training and Development Programs
    To address concerns from new hires and staff moving to different departments, we have revised our manuals, training materials, and on-the-job training (OJT) programs. Improvements have been made to create a more structured and planned training system compared to previous practices.
  • Tailored Strategies for Departmental Employee Satisfaction
    Each department has its own unique challenges, and staff survey results are compiled and analyzed, then fed back to the staff of each department. Department heads share these analysis results with their team, engage in discussions with the staff to identify and address issues for creating a better workplace, and develop improvement plans collaboratively.